Sunday, November 14, 2010

01. The Sound of Silence

The Sound of Silence :

If you want to find the highest Truth
Be inside. Deep deep - be very deep inside
But - Just Be. Just Be - and Nothing Else
In Soto Zen tradition - this is called Shikantaza
Shikantaza. Just sitting. Just Be.

And then you will hear the Sound of Silence
It is the Sound of the One -
Hindus call it - Shruti or Drishti
It is the Sound coming from the Source which -
Fire cannot burn it, the Wind cannot blow it and even Water cannot make it wet
The Sword cannot kill it and even Death cannot make it cease to exist
It is the Sound from the One - Brahman, Tao - or whatever you call it
It is the Sound of Silence - the Sound of One Hand Clapped !

( Aryanto - 24.10.2010 )

Illustration :

Kamakura Daibutsu - the Great Buddha of Kamakura
Amitabha - the Meditative Buddha